Calcium sulfate 

Calcium sulfate is white monoclinic crystalline or crystalline powder. No smell. It has hygroscopicity. 1 molecules of crystal water were lost at 128 C, and all of them were dehydrated at 163 C. The relative density is 2.32. It's stimulating. Usually contains 2 crystal water, in nature, in the form of gypsum ore. Calcium sulfate can be used as polishing powder, paper filler, gas desiccant, metallurgy and agriculture, etc. Calcium sulfate reacts with carbon at high temperature to produce calcium sulfide and carbon dioxide, which are by-products of phosphate industry and some other industries.

1. raw materials for cement, hemihydrate and sulphuric acid. Used as filler in paint and paper industry. Fertilizers used in agriculture can reduce soil alkalinity and improve soil properties.

2. Edible grade can be used as nutritional supplement (calcium fortification), coagulant, yeast food, dough regulator, chelating agent, tissue fortifier in tomato, potato cans, hardener in brewing water, flavor enhancer in wine, etc.

3. Gypsum is widely used in rubber, plastics, fertilizers, pesticides, paints, textiles, papermaking, daily chemical industry, arts and crafts, cultural and educational sectors, in addition to a large number of building materials and cement raw materials. Sulphuric acid and ammonium sulphate can be used in areas lacking sulfur resources. Colorless transparent gypsum can be used as optical material.

4. As filler of epoxy resin, epoxy resin adhesive with high strength, high temperature resistance and good wear resistance can be prepared. It can also substitute asbestos for the manufacture of asbestos free friction materials.

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